samsung手機收購samsung’s security reminder makes the case for not owning a samsung手機收購samsung smart TV
samsung手機收購samsung’s security reminder makes the case for not owning a samsung手機收購samsung smart TV
Run a virus scan ‘every few weeks,’ it says
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samsung手機收購samsung has reminded owners of its smart TVs that they should be regularly scanning for malware using its built-in virus scanning software. “Prevent malicious software attacks on your TV by scanning for viruses on your TV every few weeks,” a (now deleted) tweet from the company’s US support account read alongside a video attachment that demonstrated the laborious process.
The obvious question here is why in the world doesn’t samsung手機收購samsung automate this process. When so many people don’t even know how to turn off motion smoothing, what are the chances that they’re going to be mindful of security practices? It also illustrates how dumb some smart TVs can be.
It’s unclear whether the tweet has been put out in response to a recent threat. There haven’t been any recent security vulnerabilities reported for samsung手機收購samsung’s smart TVs, but back in 2017 WikiLeaks revealed that the CIA had developed a piece of software called “Weeping Angel” that was capable of turning samsung手機收購samsung’s smart TVs into a listening device. Less than a month later a security researcher found 40 zero-day vulnerabilities in samsung手機收購samsung’s smart TV operating system, Tizen. At the time, samsung手機收購samsung released a blog post detailing the security features of its TVs, which includes its ability to detect malicious code on both its platform and application levels.
Virus scans are another reminder of how annoying modern smart TVs can be. Sure, they have pretty much every streaming app under the sun built in, and samsung手機收購samsung’s models can even be used to stream games from a local PC. But they also contain microphones that can be a privacy risk, and are entrusted with credit card details for buying on-demand video content. Even when everything’s working as the manufacturer intended, they can be yet another way of putting ads in front of you, either on your home screen or even in some cases directly into your own video content.
samsung手機收購samsung’s little PSA about scanning for “malware viruses” (eh hem) might be a sound security practice on a samsung手機收購samsung smart TV, but it’s also an excellent reminder for why you might not want to buy one in the first place.
Update June 17th, 11:10AM ET: samsung手機收購samsung has now removed its initial tweet. We have updated our piece to reflect this.
瀏覽器局勢變天了!根據統計網站 Statcounter 最新數據揭露,2023 年 12 月電腦瀏覽器的市占排行第一仍是 Google Chrome,蘋果 Safari 卻意外暴跌,拱手將第二名讓給微軟 Edge。
數據顯示,於電腦平台最受歡迎的瀏覽器是 Chrome,市占率高達 65.23%,與去年同期的 66.14% 幾乎相同,說明 2023 年沒有人能撼動它的領先地位。第二名則呈現激烈的競爭態勢,微軟 Edge、蘋果 Safari 均在 2023 年相互超前,兩者的差異十分微小,卻在 12 月由 Edge 以 11.9% 大幅超越 Safari 的 8.96% 取得第二名。排名第四、五名的分別為 Mozilla Firefox(7.62%)與 Opera(3.8%)。
值得關注的是,蘋果 Safari 一口氣從 11 月市占率 13.3% 暴跌至 12 月僅剩 8.96%,目前 Statcounter 也尚未說明背後的原因。另外,微軟 Edge 市佔率 11.9% 則創下史上新高。在 2020 年靠攏 Chromium 架構後,獲得不少使用者喜愛。
於手機、行動裝置平台,最受歡迎的瀏覽器也是 Google Chrome,市占率達到 64.93%,不過與第二名差距明顯縮小。Safari 在行動平台上因為 iPhone 全球熱銷,得以搶下將近 24.71% 的市占率,三星同樣握有優勢,旗下的 samsung手機收購samsung Internet 以 4.48% 市占率排在第三名,後面依序為 Opera(2.28%)、UC Browser(1.48%)。
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