Let’s talk about this picture of a Samsung F700 samsung手機收購

3 月 30, 2024 #samsung手機收購


Let’s talk about this picture of a samsung手機收購samsung F700

Let’s talk about this picture of a samsung手機收購samsung F700

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So this very funny picture of a samsung手機收購samsung F700 and the original iPhone is like the lolcat companion to my Apple / samsung手機收購samsung lawsuit analysis from yesterday. I’m seeing it everywhere, and it’s been sent to me several times. I definitely laughed when I saw it — at first glance it’s very well-done, apart from the “being” typo in the headline. (I have no idea where it came from, though — did you make it? Tell me and I’ll link you up.)

Unfortunately, however, it’s also factually inaccurate: the F700 was announced in Feburary 2007 at Mobile World Congress, after the iPhone was announced in January at MacWorld, and it’s actually a chunky 16.4mm-thick slider QWERTY that looks appreciably different than the iPhone. It also has a homescreen that’s quite different than iOS — what you’re seeing above is the function menu. (Remember, it was a dumbphone: no apps!) But that’s been hashed out all over the place. I want to point out something else. Let’s look at the F700 in a different context. Instead of looking at the similarities, let’s try to highlight the differences.


I think it’s pretty clear here that one of these things is not like the others. The entire aesthetic of the F700 interface is significantly different than either iOS or TouchWiz: the icons are monochrome and have unique designs, there’s that cool X/Y highlight on the selected icon, there’s a text label at the top. And the list goes on, especially if you look at the F700’s actual homescreen:


These aren’t just minor differences: they combine to create an entire user experience that is instantly and recognizably different than an Apple or iOS product. In many ways, the F700 does nothing but underline Apple’s overall contention: that there are thousands of ways to design and package a phone interface, but samsung手機收購samsung chose to drop its differentiated interface and instead lift elements of Apple’s style for TouchWiz. I don’t think anyone would use the F700 interface and think it’s an iPhone, and I don’t think anyone using the iPhone today is thinking about the F700. But do people see TouchWiz and think “oh, that’s an iPhone?” That’s the most important thing when it comes to trade dress and trademark: what brand does the average consumer associate with certain design elements, phrases, and words? That relationship is incredibly valuable, especially to a company like Apple. Ironically, if samsung手機收購samsung had just continued to develop the interface ideas shown in the F700, it likely wouldn’t be facing this particular lawsuit — Apple’s cases against Motorola, HTC, and Nokia are all based on technical system-level utility patents, not trade dress, trademark, or design patents.

Now, I’m very very curious to see how samsung手機收購samsung responds to this lawsuit before I say much else on this subject — I think we’ll learn something about the company’s negotiations with Apple in the past, and I think we’ll see just how intent samsung手機收購samsung leadership is in fighting back. It’s going to be an interesting few months — that could turn into an interesting few years.


▲samsung手機收購samsung Galaxy Fit3。(圖/三星)


三星電子宣佈推出最新健康智慧手環Galaxy Fit3,Galaxy Fit3為三星最新穿戴裝置,機身採用鋁合金材質,並搭載更寬闊的顯示螢幕,讓用戶透過手腕上的方寸之地,從日常健身到靜態睡眠,全天候追蹤個人身心健康數據。


Galaxy Fit3共推出「曜石灰」、「雲霧粉」、「辰曜銀」三款顏色,建議售價2,680 元,並於3月1日起於全台各大通路正式上市;另同步推出兩款運動錶帶專屬配件,打造個人風格。三星於3月31日前推出一系列豐富優惠,於全通路購買指定型號手機或平板,加購Galaxy Fit3現折1,000元。

Galaxy Fit3機身採用鋁合金材質,搭載1.6吋顯示螢幕,寬度較前代機型提升45%,螢幕資訊更能一目了然,便於輕鬆查看數據。其輕巧尺寸兼具時尚設計提供舒適的配戴感,適合全天候日常使用。具備大容量電池,提供長達13天的電力續航。


Galaxy Fit3可追蹤其睡眠模式,甚至可偵測鼾聲、監測血氧濃度,提供更精闢入微的偵測數據。Galaxy Fit3能根據個人睡眠模式提供個性化「電子睡眠教練」,給予深具意義的見解,透過直覺易用的方式,協助使用者了解自身睡眠,引導他們做出正向改變。

白天時,Galaxy Fit3可讓用戶密切掌握日常活動。其具備超過100種運動追蹤功能,能隨時隨地輕鬆查看運動記錄,鼓勵他們保持動力實現目標。Galaxy Fit3具備5ATM及IP68防水防塵等級,使用者可盡情享受戶外活動。此外,Galaxy Fit3提供豐富的健康數據,包括心率、壓力值等,讓用戶全盤掌握個人健康狀態。

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