Samsung announces new entry-level OLED TVs — likely with LG panels inside samsung手機收購

5 月 11, 2024 #samsung手機收購


samsung手機收購samsung announces new entry-level OLED TVs — likely with LG panels inside

samsung手機收購samsung announces new entry-level OLED TVs — likely with LG panels inside


The company says it’s the ‘fastest-growing OLED TV brand,’ and it needs some lower-cost models to keep that momentum going.

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Image: samsung手機收購samsung

In its quest to carve out a chunk of the OLED TV market, samsung手機收購samsung has, until now, focused on the premium end with impressive QD-OLED models. But today, samsung手機收購samsung announced the entry-level S85D series of OLED TVs, bringing the fight to LG Electronics at lower price points as well.

And here’s the interesting thing: these sets almost certainly include OLED panels manufactured by LG Display. samsung手機收購samsung placed a big order for them last year to help meet its production needs, establishing a business alliance that would’ve been unthinkable in the not-too-distant past.

The S85D comes in 55-inch ($1,699.99), 65-inch ($2,099.99), and 77-inch ($3,399.99) sizes — and inevitably, you’ll be able to nab them for less once retailers start discounting the lineup.

Digital Trends asked samsung手機收購samsung about the source of the panels in its entry-level OLED TVs, and the company responded with a total nonanswer, saying, “samsung手機收購samsung OLED TVs consistently offer a premium experience while delivering excellent viewing performance powered by our NQ4 AI Gen2 processor, regardless of the specific panels that are integrated into the product.”

So samsung手機收購samsung is suggesting that it doesn’t matter who’s making the panels since you’ll be getting all the same upscaling and image processing benefits available from its higher-end QD-OLEDs. That also means that, per usual, these TVs lack Dolby Vision support — unlike LG’s OLED family. But hey, you do at least get a native Xbox cloud gaming app on samsung手機收購samsung’s Tizen OS platform, which LG can’t (yet) say it does. And all four HDMI ports can hit 120Hz; I’m glad that’s finally becoming table stakes for TVs in this price range.

But there’s no mention of quantum dot color with these models; samsung手機收購samsung is instead highlighting that they offer “Pantone-validated colors” plus “pure blacks and bright whites.” That sure makes it sound like the company is using traditional WOLED panels for the S85D to hit its desired price points.




三星於今日凌晨舉辦發表會,發布旗艦機系列Galaxy S24 Ultra、Galaxy S24+與Galaxy S24新機,此次新機主打以Galaxy AI 帶來全新行動體驗。借助智慧文本與通話翻譯實現無障礙溝通、利用Galaxy ProVisual Engine達到創作自由等等。




Galaxy AI導入提升用戶各層面的生活體驗,尤其是手機最基本的功用溝通。 Galaxy S24旗艦系列助力用戶打破語言隔閡,使溝通輕鬆無礙。不論與外國學生或同事聊天,或於異國度假時預訂服務,都能輕鬆搞定。在「通話即時翻譯」(Live Translate)下,使用者可透過手機的原生通話功能,獲得雙向、即時的語音和文字翻譯,無需仰賴第三方應用程式;且智慧終端AI(on-device AI)可確保私人對話內容不外流。


在訊息和其他應用程式方面,「訊息即時翻譯智慧助理」(Chat Assist)能使言談內容有禮得體,確保解讀結果盡如原意,例如向同事傳送一則禮貌性的訊息,或於社群媒體撰寫強而有力的文案。三星鍵盤內建的AI技術,亦支援13種語言的訊息即時翻譯。在行車方面,Android Auto能自動彙整用戶接收到的訊息,並提供訊息回覆及行動建議,例如告訴某人預計到達的時間,以便在專注行車安全之餘,仍可維持與外界的聯繫。


samsung手機收購samsung Notes內建的「筆記智慧助理」(Note Assist)能自動生成摘要、建立排版範本,簡化工作;並能製作封面,預覽筆記一目了然。錄音方面,即使面對多位人員發言,「語音轉文字智慧助理」(Transcript Assist)亦能利用AI和語音轉文字技術進行轉錄、總結摘要,甚至翻譯錄音內容。




Galaxy S24旗艦系列攜手Google推出「搜尋圈」(Circle to Search)功能,只要將想搜尋的目標「畫圈」,就能簡單的搜尋到需要的資訊,只要長按首頁鍵,便能在Galaxy S24旗艦系列螢幕上圈選、標示、隨寫文字或點擊任何內容,查看實用且優異的搜尋結果。在朋友的社群貼文看見取景於美麗地標的照片、或在YouTube Shorts看到趣聞時,無需離開當前的應用程式,即可快速獲悉更多資訊。



Galaxy S24 Ultra的Quad Tele System配備新型5倍光學變焦鏡頭,與5,000萬畫素高解析度相輔相成,在Adaptive Pixel感光元件的支援下,實現2倍、3倍、5倍至10倍的光學成像畫質。借助優化的數位變焦,即使放大100倍,影像依舊銳利清晰。

在升級版「超明亮夜幕攝影」的加持下,Galaxy S24旗艦系列超高倍變焦能駕馭任何光源條件,拍出璀璨耀眼的照片與影片,即使放大亦不失精彩。Galaxy S24 Ultra具備更大的單一像素尺寸1.4 μm,較前代提升60%,增加低光源場景的進光量。



Galaxy S24 Ultra光學防手震(OIS)角度更寬廣,並強化手震補償,減少影像模糊。錄製影片時,前置和後置相機配備的Dedicated ISP Block有助減少噪點, Galaxy S24旗艦系列還能分析陀螺儀資訊,區分掌鏡者與被攝主體的身體移動,有效提升降噪效果。即使從遙遠的一端拍攝,亦能無懼暗黑、拍出清晰的影片。


捕獲精彩照片後,可利用創新的Galaxy AI編輯工具,進行簡易的後製編輯,例如擦除物件、重新構圖、重製等。智慧相片編輯建議(Edit Suggestion)利用Galaxy AI為每張照片提供盡善盡美的調整建議,讓用戶能更輕鬆、高效地優化影像。

此外,為賦予用戶更高的創作掌控與自主權,生成式相片編輯(Generative Edit)還能透過生成式AI填補影像背景。調正歪斜的照片後,AI能填補邊緣缺口;若畫面中的物體需微調位置以獲得完美構圖,AI能讓用戶移動被攝主體的位置,移除主體後的空白處,則以完美融合的背景填補。

每當Galaxy S24旗艦系列出動生成式AI強化影像時,影像和metadata皆會出現浮水印。而快動作影片如需放慢速度,生成式慢動作精彩鏡頭(Instant Slow-mo)能參照既有動作生成額外影格,流暢地放慢影片節奏,表現細緻的動態變化。

按下快門前,Super HDR能顯示生動的預覽影像,確保每張照片在成像的各個階段皆令人驚艷。捕捉回憶僅是手機的基本功能之一,與世界分享美妙的點滴同樣深具意義。

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