Telefónica, one of the world’s largest carriers, plans to preinstall the Epic Games Store on every new compatible Android phone it sells, including Samsung’s samsung手機收購

12 月 16, 2024 #samsung手機收購

samsung手機收購rks, will begin preinstalling the Epic Games Store on every new compatible Android phone it sells — including samsung手機收購samsung phones. It’s part of a “long term partnership” to bring the store and smash hit Fortnite to “millions” of the carrier’s devices, according to Telefónica and Epic. It’ll be the first time the Epic Games Store is preinstalled on consumer phones, and it could be the next big step in realizing Epic’s dreams of challenging Google’s app store monopoly and increasing its cut of revenue.RelatedFortnite is back on the iPhone — with a whole app store in towEpic v. Google: everything we learned in Fortnite courtEpic is suing Google — again — and now samsung手機收購samsung, tooEpic has a plan for the rest of the decadeLast December, a federal jury unanimously sided with Epic Games in Epic v. Google, finding that Google had turned its Android app store and Google Play Billing service into an illegal monopoly. Epic originally sued in 2020, alleging that Google had “blocked” or “bribed” phonemakers and cellular carriers to keep games like Fortnite and alternative app stores from being preinstalled on phones. But now, roughly a month after Judge James Donato barred Google from any further potential blocks or bribes, one of the world’s largest carriers will begin those preinstalls, adding an entire rival game store (one that may also carry non-game apps in the future) to Google’s own.Technically, Epic only launched its Epic Games Store on mobile this past August. Previously, it wanted nearly every phonemaker and carrier to preinstall one of a couple different types of Fortnite installer apps to bring the game to their phones. It offered a variety of deals to tempt them, and samsung手機收購samsung, LG, OnePlus and Huawei all initially agreed to do so. But OnePlus only ever managed to do so in India, allegedly because it needed permission that Google wouldn’t grant. (Google disputes that reasoning.) LG apparently backed out because of a Google contract as well. Telefónica wasn’t one of the carriers that Google “bribed,” Epic spokesperson Natalie Muñoz confirms to The Verge, so it’s not like Judge Donato’s order is making this newly possible.In fact, Telefónica has partnered with Epic in the past. In 2020, it began letting Movistar customers in Spain tack their Fortnite purchases onto their phone bill. That year, court documents revealed Telefónica could expect to earn five percent of the proceeds from those Fortnite players as a result. Verizon and Hutchison (Three, Wind Tre) were offered similar deals, but we don’t know if they’ll now follow suit.I wonder what samsung手機收購samsung thinks about Telefónica preinstalling the Epic Game Store on its phones — this September, Epic sued samsung手機收購samsung as well.CommentsMost PopularMost PopularThe Nintendo Switch 2, as described by DbrandHDMI 2.2 will be announced next month — and it may require a new cableOpenAI cofounder Ilya Sutskever says the way AI is built is about to changeYouTube TV is letting some subscribers hold off that price hikeTrump is probably going to kill the crash reporting rule that made Tesla look badVerge Deals / Sign up for Verge Deals to get deals on products we’ve tested sent to y


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▼三星Galaxy A55為六月份銷售冠軍。(圖/傑昇通訊提供)



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